Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My First Semester at Sinclair

Its 2 days before Thanksgiving and its almost time to wrap up the Fall Semester of 2015. To think I graduated May of 2015 and that I am now finishing my first semester in college at the end of the year is amazing. I have come so far from where I was before and I didn't really think about how amazing that was but I am proud of myself for achieving what I have at this point in my life. I am signed up and ready to go for Spring classes. 2016 is around the corner. I have come to love my professors and there goofy personalities. But sadly the days go on and there comes a time when you must say goodbye and move forward with your life and the next step towards your dream career. I have learned a lot from this semester at Sinclair. Not just from college classes, but I have learned how to be and adult and I have learned that I have to grow up and that I can't stay in high school forever. Even if I want to, which believe me I really did. However, knowing that I am about to wrap up my first fall semester at Sinclair, I am super excited for my next classes and what I will face next semester with my biology class and lab, allied health, and allied health math. I am pretty excited to be moving on to new things and a little nervous at the same time. I didn't get into one of the classes I wish I could have, it's only offered in the spring and it won't be available till 2017. The wait list for this class was completely full, and I didn't stand a chance. Now I know that I need to sign up for spring classes the very first day that they are available, so I don't miss out on the classes I need to succeed in my college career. Farewell Fall of 2015... Hello Spring of 2016!

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