Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My First Semester at Sinclair

Its 2 days before Thanksgiving and its almost time to wrap up the Fall Semester of 2015. To think I graduated May of 2015 and that I am now finishing my first semester in college at the end of the year is amazing. I have come so far from where I was before and I didn't really think about how amazing that was but I am proud of myself for achieving what I have at this point in my life. I am signed up and ready to go for Spring classes. 2016 is around the corner. I have come to love my professors and there goofy personalities. But sadly the days go on and there comes a time when you must say goodbye and move forward with your life and the next step towards your dream career. I have learned a lot from this semester at Sinclair. Not just from college classes, but I have learned how to be and adult and I have learned that I have to grow up and that I can't stay in high school forever. Even if I want to, which believe me I really did. However, knowing that I am about to wrap up my first fall semester at Sinclair, I am super excited for my next classes and what I will face next semester with my biology class and lab, allied health, and allied health math. I am pretty excited to be moving on to new things and a little nervous at the same time. I didn't get into one of the classes I wish I could have, it's only offered in the spring and it won't be available till 2017. The wait list for this class was completely full, and I didn't stand a chance. Now I know that I need to sign up for spring classes the very first day that they are available, so I don't miss out on the classes I need to succeed in my college career. Farewell Fall of 2015... Hello Spring of 2016!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ohio State Reformatory

Over the summer I went to many exciting places and on many adventures but this adventure was amazing. If anyone has seen The Shawshank Redemption, then they usually know where it was mostly filmed. But if you don't, it was filmed at the Ohio State Reformatory. The prison was built from 1886 to 1910 and was a fully operational prison from 1896 to 1990, housing over 155,000 men in its lifetime. Now it is just a historic site for tourists to come and visit. It is also haunted by the spirits of prisoners who died there which made this place have an even more eerie feeling. We came to the reformatory for a marathon my mother was running in. The Shawshank Hustle 5k, and we arrived at 6 a.m for registration. The race began at 8:30 so waiting sucked a lot, there was honestly nothing to do but to stare at the beautiful building. Tours didn't begin until after the race, or well close to when it started for those who didn't want to wait. When it came time for when the race was supposed to have begun, some people still weren't there yet. Because over 3000 people were there that day parking was scarce unless you arrived early like we did and were able to park by the reformatory. However, some people weren't as fortunate and had to park at a stadium a few miles away and had to be bussed in. The event only had 3 busses running so it took forever for people to arrive. The race ended up being postponed multiple times and finally began at 9:30, with people still arriving late. After the race had began and everyone cleared out of the starting area, it was a waiting game. While we were waiting I had went ahead and purchased our tour tickets for the reformatory and then continued to wait with my stepfather and boyfriend.The first racer to finish was a girl at 25 minutes, which was very impressive for a 5k run. My mother finished at 51 minutes and a few seconds and once she got her medal, we all went to see her and gave her water. Once she had cooled down we started walking over to the prison. Once inside we were amazed by how beautiful this building was. So many rooms and things to see, I am still pretty sure to this day that we didn't see everything. However, due to restoring the building some parts were closed off to the public which was really upsetting. The first half of the building was where the warden lived with his family. I honestly don't know how comfortable I would be raising my family in the front half of the prison with killer on the opposite side of the building. The prison was fully operational by itself, which means everything they ever needed was produced there. Behind the prison today is a operational prison, but it used to be all of their production building where everything the prison needed was turned out daily. From crops, to clothing, and everything they used in the prison. They generated their own power as well. The place was amazing, even though it felt like a tomb, it was beautiful. It was definitely a lot of walking, but it was really worth it in the end. This place I had only seen in pictures was now in front of me and amazing to finally see. The house portion was beautiful, the cell blocks, not so much. Everywhere had paint chipping and destruction, from where the prison had withered away from old age. Seeing what was not too long ago an operational prison, I understood why it was shut down by the state. The living conditions weren't fit for anyone. The cells blocks were in ruins, and I couldn't imagine myself living in there for one night let ago years. While viewing rooms off of the cell block, I came back down the stairs and once I was close to the bottom, I felt a shove on my back and I ended up jumping down 2 stairs to the bottom. I don't know if I was actually pushed but that is surely what it felt like. Some spirit must not have been happy with me there at that moment, because I went back up and came back down again the same way I had before and nothing happened. After our tour of this beautiful castle like reformatory, we then proceeded to the gift shop, where I took forever to find the same thing I had picked up 20 times, because I am indecisive like that. After all of the excitement, we went back to my moms house and my boyfriend and I packed up and went home. It was an amazing day and I would love to go back to the reformatory and compose a ghost hunt at some point and see what I could find or who I could find. Until then, I will remain curious about who or what lies in the Ohio State Reformatory.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Idle Hour Ranch

This past month of October I started a new class in B term called Intro to Animal Sciences, the first two weeks we had some lectures and quizzes. Yesterday on the 4th of November, my class went on a field trip, well actually we all just met at the place. Our field trip took place at Idle Hour Ranch, there were so many fun things about this place, and by fun things I mean the animals. There were micromini pigs, singing dogs, a cougar, wolves, kangaroos, camels, birds, cattle, goats, a water buffalo, a zebra, elk, a yak, a fallow deer, and more that were inside already for the winter. I was pretty excited I love going to see and pet animals whenever given the opportunity. When we first entered the first animal we stopped to see was a baby kangaroo named Tiny. Mostly everyone got to take a "selfie" with the joey and even hold him. It was a pretty great experience and I won't forget it soon. After the baby kangaroo we went to see the adult kangaroos. The dad of the joey was pretty entertaining and kept standing up trying to show us how big and bad he was. The next animal we went to go see was a bird named Peaches. Peaches liked to put on shows for people and was encouraged when the crowed chanted, "Go Peaches, go Peaches!." We didn't get a show that day, most likely because it was a little cold and she didn't want to be outside. After visiting peaches we walked over to see the cougar and he was sleeping so we didn't get much of an appearance from him. There was a pull who kept charging at us from his pen and I thought it was cool but everyone else was a little skeptical of him. We then moved to the pasture and I got to pet a Texas Longhorn named charlotte. She was super sweet and loved the attention. I saw some goats butt heads and chase each other around in a "not so friendly way". After the pasture we went to see the camels and they were really cool. My group got to feed them hay and pet them. The last group of animals we visited were the wolves, singing dogs, and foxes. After we went to back to the beginning and I waited to leave because I had been blocked in by other students. Overall it was a great day except for the drive there and back on the highway.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wolf Creek Habitat

On the glorious day of October 18th 2015, my dreams were about to come true. I have dreamed about actually interacting with wolves for years but today it was finally going to happen. We took two cars, both of which were not mine. My boyfriend and I drove my mother's mustang, which I had never driven before and that itself was an exhilarating experience. It was a very fast car, and I enjoyed how smooth it drove. My mother and my step father took their other vehicle, which was a blue Silverado truck. After the long hour drive, and getting lost for 10 minutes we finally arrived at the Wolf Habitat. 30 dollars later and I was in the first wolf enclosure. It was unreal, these wolves were actually about the size of my dog but a little bit taller. But because they were not domesticated made this experience a little nerve racking. There were carcasses everywhere, mostly deer and elk. The sanctuary had 20 to 24 wolves and only about 7 were intractable because of the lack of human interaction they have had. The first enclosure had me a bit worried because the wolves weren't wanting to interact with us. But after the staff explained to us that most of them had grown their winter coats already and it was a warm day but to them it was scorching. After just literally watching them lay around for 10 minutes only getting to pet one of them. On to the next enclosure, I was hopeful these would be more interactive, however it wasn't all that I had hoped. Upon arriving in the enclosure we were told that we would not be able to interact with two of the three wolves because they were not used to humans like the third wolf was who was the other two wolves mother. They were allowed to come up to us but we could not reach out and pet them. We had learned that the alpha female had lost her brother the week before and she was mourning. Not even a few months before had she lost her mate. This poor female was just heart broken and you could tell by the way she was interacting with us. All of the sudden a big howl session started and it lasted for a whole 3 minutes. The whole habitat was full of howls and it was the most amazing experience to be in the enclosure with these wolves when the howling session was taking place. After the excitement, we moved on to the last enclosure with the babies, who were only about 2 years old. These wolves were very loving and just wanted to be constantly petted. I loved being able to cuddle with the wolves and love on them. You could just tell they were spoiled, they loved attention. We stayed in that enclosure for almost 30 minutes and every minute was amazing and unforgettable. We then went up onto the observation deck and saw the other enclosures we couldn't go into and there were so many wolves and it was amazing to see all of them. I saw at least 10 more wolves going up on the deck and even saw a wolf eating lunch. After we walked back down the stairs from the deck we went to the gift shop where I left with a shirt and very many lovely memories of the wolves I had met and I hope I get to go back again some day.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Class of 2015

I couldn't believe that the time had gone by so fast. It seemed like just yesterday I was getting ready to start the ninth grade and now I am at the very end of my senior year. As I looking at myself in the mirror I truly can't believe I made it. Not that I am a bad student but knowing that you actually are about to graduate is a big moment. I put on my white dress that will go under my white gown and headed out to see my father and my brother. After we all got pictures together it was time to head out to oxford where the ceremony was to be held. On arrival I saw many of my friends and after today I knew I really wouldn't see them anymore, because I mean really, who talks to their friends after high school? We all got in alphabetical order, lined side by side with our walking partner and waiting for the ceremony to begin. Boy did we wait, I never had grown so impatient in my life.. waiting for the graduation ceremony felt like it took a thousand years. After about another five minutes of waiting around, we finally started to make the big walk down the stairs and would eventually make it to our seats. As I waited to walk, I began to get extremely nervous and I couldn't contain all of the butterflies in my stomach. Finally it was our turn to walk out into the giant arena, I couldn't stop smiling and I felt like my stomach was in my throat. I waved to my family as I walked by and I smiled at my boyfriend as he waved and blew me a kiss. We all sat down and waited for our principal to give his opening speech, After his speech the valedictorian's came up and gave their speeches to the graduating class. This year we had two valedictorians and I had only ever heard of one person having the opportunity to be valedictorian so it was a very cool experience to hear two completely different people's speeches. Then diplomas were handed out, and if I thought waiting took forever earlier.. I was most definitely wrong. But finally it was my rows turn to go and get our diploma's and I was so giddy and I couldn't stop smiling. As I wait to be called up on stage I feel as though everything is in slow motion, my heart almost feels as though it's stopped. I hear my name called by the assistant principal, "Jessica Renee Swihart." I make my walk up onto the stage, not to slowly and not to quickly. I take my diploma from the person handing them out and smile for the picture of myself receiving my diploma I worked so hard for, and I went back to my row and waited to sit down with the rest of the ladies. I couldn't believe what I was holding in my hand and I had never been so proud in my entire life. The superintendent of Eaton Community Schools comes to the microphone and she looks to the crowd and calmly says, "I now declare this years class of 2015 graduated by the state of Ohio." The crowd cheered and everybody got up, we took off our caps and threw them high up into the air as far as they would soar. We cheered as loud as we could bare, We then slowly walked back up the stairs and awaited for our families to come greet their new graduated students.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Almost two years ago, I met my best friend and the love of my life Kyle. We met through work at Marsh Supermarkets, and as soon as I saw him the immediate thought in my head was, "Wow, he's cute." Kyle was really shy when I first met him, but that didn't stop me from talking to him and becoming his friend. I started off how mostly anyone would, by befriending him on facebook and chatting with him on there. While chatting and being goofy I told him if he wanted to chat with me some other time he could text me and I left him my phone number. He only said "We'll see what happens." A few seconds later I got a text from a random number that said, "This is the testing of the Kyle and Jessica emergency broadcasting system." I laughed and we continued to text. Thanksgiving night after he had gotten off work we decided to hang out. He went to have dinner with his friend since his family was away visiting other family for the holiday. After he had his Thanksgiving dinner, he came out to get me and we went back to his house. It was Kyle, his best friend Ryan, and myself and we decided to play some games on the play station three. After that night, things progressed between us and we ended up dating February first of 2014. Kyle always likes me to play games with him, but I'm not always the biggest fan of games. I only really have about 4 games I really enjoy. I have learned over the course of a year and a half that he is a huge geek, and I love that about him. I wouldn't change anything about him if I could. He is truly an amazing person and I am lucky to be with him.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Pork Festival

Every year in the small town of Eaton, Ohio there is a special festival that brings folks around from near and far. You know its coming when you start to see the 10 life size painted concrete pigs all around town. We call it the Pork Festival. The festival begins on September nineteenth, and it begins with a big breakfast. Everyone comes and gets their fill of a bountiful meal before going about the daily activities. There are many things to do at the Pork Festival and many sights to see, also much food to eat. There are plenty of vendors with their homemade goodies and some businesses trying to gain sales. They have pig races all throughout the day and even a petting zoo for the little ones.  My favorite part about the Pork Festival however is the parade, and my favorite parade attraction is the old steam engine. Every year I go to the parade just to see the steam engine and I never see myself disappointed for it always entertains. I also like to see the animals that are showcased, mostly pigs as it is a Pork Festival. I always have a love hate relationship with the festival because it happens to fall on my birthday. As you know when a big festival is in town, everyone and their brother goes. So when i invite my friends over to my house for a birthday celebration, I always get the same reply.. "Sorry I can't, I'm at the Pork Festival." As much fun as it seems it always upsets me that nobody will come see me on my birthday because they are too busy with the Festival in town. Although the Pork Festival may interfere with my birthday, it always serves a good purpose. It brings many people together from such faraway places.